Equal Work, Equal Respect

Lori Alexander provides and endless supply of material to write about. That is why the focus of this blog is so heavily on her. She posts at least twice a day and everything she said is designed to stir a reaction.  Below I will discuss today’s post where she once again has to make a reference and boast about her so-called USA Today article and her viral post.

Last summer, a popular female preacher asked if we could have a live debate online. Her views are pretty much opposite of mine. Just the fact that she is a female preacher tells me a lot about her. I declined. I am not gifted as a public speaker and debating her isn’t something that I wanted to do. Many write me and tell me how upset they are with me because I don’t want to argue my position with them on my Facebook page and allow their disagreeable comments. It’s not my goal to argue my position and beliefs with others. My goal is to teach what God has commanded that I teach – biblical womanhood.

Does Lori know anything about apologetics? As a Christian you should be willing and able to defend the faith. Not push they easy button and delete your way out of it. Lori is just gifted in the delete button. If not her, why couldn’t Ken debate her? Surely the male brain would have whipped this female pastor in a second.

I was interviewed by a woman from USA Today last week. Here is the article for those of you who don’t follow me on social media. Shari, who interviewed me, honestly portrayed what I teach and didn’t twist any of my words to mean something I didn’t say. I was very thankful to see this since most articles on social media written about me are extremely negative towards what I write and even mock me which is to be expected. She was actually unbiased and fair!

My flow chart was talked about on Good Morning America last week as well. The woman who was complaining about it made these comments: “I’m not as good about staying home. I know that about myself…It’s too hard for me. It is not my natural self. So when I’m working all day, I get natural feedback. I know I’m good at something.” The sad part of what she had to say was what she didn’t say. She didn’t say anything about what was best for her children. It was only what was best for her.

It will do the children no good to have a mom who is possibly depressed and miserable at home. What is best for the children is often what is best for the mom. Having a mom physically present but her mind and emotions elsewhere is not healthy for the kids to be around. Why did Lori put her kids in their rooms for 2 hours a day? Was that really what was best for the kids or what was best for Lori?

If she wants to work, this is her freedom to do so, as well as all women who work away from the home. I am not trying to take away this freedom or any freedoms from women. I am simply teaching what God’s Word has to say to young women about this and His ways are “good, and acceptable, and perfect” (Romans 12:2) and what I know to be best for marriages and children.

Sure, she isn’t trying to take away her freedom. That was Ken’s CYA attempt to make Lori look reasonable and Lori is trying to go with it again. However, they can say that as much as they want, but we are well aware Lori also tells working moms they don’t trust God and blaspheme God’s word when they do work. So its be a housewife or we will accuse you of having no faith? You pick! What a choice.

There is a feminist quote that says something about giving women choice and that the fear if they had the choice they would make the wrong one. Wrong referring to the choice to be a housewife. I can’t find the exact quote even though its popular, so if someone can please share in comments.  Point being that Lori does the exact same thing as the feminist. She claims women have the freedom of choice but yet really is afraid they will make the wrong choice and be career women instead. So when the Alexanders go on about how women get the freedom of choice but them follow it up in the next breath with “you don’t trust God if you work” or “you blaspheme God’s word by working”, they are effectively stripping that choice and strongly suggesting there is only ONE RIGHT CHOICE. Because if you don’t pick homemaker they will forever degrade you with accusations of not trusting God and not having enough faith.

What if a woman doesn’t feel like she’s a good keeper at home? What if it is too hard for her and she doesn’t feel like her “natural self”? What about the lack of praise when staying home full time? All of these are good questions and one can understand why many women prefer to work outside of their homes rather than be home with their children full time.

Good questions and as usual Lori offers no practical solutions. I have some suggestions. The Alexanders won’t like this though because it involves having the husband do a little work. Solution–the husband has to be keenly aware that his wife needs lots of praise and recognition for all the work she does at home. She isn’t going to get it from the kids like he might from his boss. In fact the kids will be more like the boss from hell and take your hard work and dump it all out and tell you do it all over again. She works just as hard as he does in the office(if not more depending on age of kids). The feminist slogan of “equal work, equal pay” should apply on the homefront as “equal work, equal respect”.  Women want their roles as mothers be respected just as much as men get respected for being providers in the working world and when they don’t feel that respect, they want to run to work.

The husband needs to take on the boss role at home and give her words of praises, bonuses and promotions. Bonuses and promotions can be fun things like a date night,  a few hours of a paid babysitter or housekeeper here and there, or a “just because” gift or card. These are just a few incentives that keep the stay at home mom motivated and joyful in her work. Its basic psychology that humans respond well to incentives. Those in the working world will often feel depressed and demoralized when they feel their efforts aren’t being recognized. Yet society largely expects women to constantly be joyful after years of sleepless nights and inhaled meals without a lick of thanks.

Motherhood is suppose to be the most important job ever but its gets virtually no appreciation, not like what you get in the working world. And that is one of the main reasons women probably do go back to work. There they can feel valued and productive because whatever work they do is going to stay finished. Unlike a toddler who will dump out the toys seconds after you picked them up.

However, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter how you “feel” about things. This life on earth doesn’t depend upon our feelings, what we like, or trying to be our “natural self.” Our desire is to obey God regardless of the cost, feelings, sacrifice, or anything else. Once you truly understand that God’s ways are best, it will be what you want to pursue the most even if it’s the hardest thing to do. You may not receive praise from coworkers or your boss, but you will receive praise from the One who matters the most – Jesus Christ the Lord.

Oh, really? Then say that same message to men. Tell men it doesn’t matter how they “feel” about their job. That life on earth doesn’t revolve around their feelings and desire to be a good provider and have lots of sex.  If he is depressed, please Lori, do tell him his “feelings” don’t matter. All that matters is he obeys God like a good little robot and provide. The godly message to men is “shut up and provide” and for women “shut up and submit”. They never take into account the humanity of the people saying statements like this woman she featured. People need more on a day to day practical level to motivate them through the day than just some feel good platitude that you are doing what God wants and that is all that matters.

Why does Lori fans reader her day after day after day? Because they find her writing encouraging, motivating and inspirational.  Women needs that same kinds of encouragement from their husbands to get them through the day(also friends and family). If all women need is to know they will get praise from God, then there is no reason at all to read Lori or anything else they deem encouraging. Actually, I wonder if so many women read Lori’s blog and comment in hopes that Lori will leave them and encouraging message to get them through the day (something they may be lacking from their husband or from anyone in real life). I would bet the majority of her fans are there looking for praise and affirmations for doing the right thing.

One day all of us will die. Do you know where you will spend eternity? I do! I am going to spend it with my Savior and all those who loved and believed in Him. I never began this blog to receive the praise of men. Yes, I do receive a lot and I am thankful for it but I receive a lot of hate for what I write, too, but this doesn’t concern me. All I truly care about is on the day that I die, Jesus Christ will say to me, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:23). This is all that matters when it’s all said and done.

Well, isn’t she special. I feel just as confident in that regard but I don’t go around boasting about it like a giddy school girl. “Look at me, look at me, I am so special, I get to be with God forever and ever and ever. What about you? Hmmm? Hmmm?”

I bet she is thankful for all the men that comment and encourage her because like I said above all people need incentives, inspiration, motivational and encouraging saying to get them through the day or in Lori’s case to push her to continue her ministry.  Whatever praise she receives from Ken apparently isn’t enough because she eats up the gushy comments of the men like they are candy dipped in sugar. Why do these men’s comments matter? Shouldn’t she be content in knowing she is pleasing God and not need their comments? Remember her “feelings” shouldn’t matter.  All comments that make Lori feel good should be removed because feelings aren’t important. She should be content in knowing she is doing the right thing for God and not accept all the praise.  Does anyone think if Lori got no praise from anyone she would continue the ministry? I doubt it. If she didn’t care about praise she could remove commenting and that would solve the “hateful” comment problem too. But no she needs the praise too much, just like stay at home moms need praise to stay motivated in what they do.

Be prepared to receive backlash whenever you speak the truth of God’s Word. God has promised us this! It should not scare or frighten us because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Some people are hungry for truth and light. Jesus is the light of the world! Be bold in your faith and in your walk in the Spirit. He will never leave nor forsake you. He has given us so many precious promises. Cling to them and to Him! He is a promise keeper.

Readers, be prepared to receive backlash from the Alexander when you speak the truth about their actions. Their backlash comes in the form of deleted comments and banishment. They and those like the Alexanders will also quietly try to take down your blog or facebook page or start rumors and tell lies about you to other people using a different screen name. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. This is the subtle way to attack that makes godly people still appear pure and innocent. They won’t necessarily attack you with harsh words because that would give the appearance of evil. They rather will pretend that you don’t exist and have no right to share your opinion.

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